
General Information

Following the successful 2012, 2014 and 2020 workshops on Modeling and Simulation of Transport Phenomena , this four-day event will once again bring together mathematicians who develop analytical and numerical methods for transport equations. The scientific program of the MoST 2025 workshop will be focused on the following topics:
  • physics-compatible high-order methods for conservation laws
  • algebraic limiting and residual distribution for finite elements
  • bound-preserving conservative interpolation (remapping) of data
  • optimization-based approaches to enforcing maximum principles
  • invariant domain preserving schemes for hyperbolic systems
  • a priori and a posteriori error estimates, smoothness criteria
  • adaptive mesh refinement and polynomial degree adjustment
  • modeling and analysis of unresolvable small-scale phenomena
  • applications to multiphase and multimaterial flow problems
The workshop will take place in the Moselle valley famous for its picturesque medieval towns, magnificent castles, and delicious wines.

Organizing Committee

Dmitri Kuzmin
Jan-Phillip Bäcker
Lars Dielmann
Paul Moujaes
Falko Ruppenthal
Insa-Marie Schneider
Joshua Vedral

Important Dates

Confirmation of participation: tbd
Abstract submission and early registration: tbd
Late registration and cancellation: tbd
Workshop: July 28 - 31, 2025